About Me

Who hasn't dreamed of taking over the world? And who hasn't heard the phrase, "follow your dreams" before? Put those two together, and you're left with the inevitable. Now, you may be thinking I'm crazy to post my secret blueprints and progress updates online, and that may be true. On the other hand, what's an Evil Overlord without her secret, yet oddly accessible, Lair?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Phase Two: The Frustration of Slow Weeks

I'm afraid it is a slow news week for me in terms of...most things. Younger Sister is doing NaNo again this year, as is the Empath, and while I am well aware of why I'm not trying to write 50,000 words this month, part of me is still sad not to be doing lots of writing. I've hit that stretch of the semester when inspiration is faltering, which is a crippling blow for anyone, and especially someone who's used to having plans on a rather large scale. I think tomorrow, maybe during my lunch break, I need a small adventure, just to shake off the mid-semester blah.

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