About Me

Who hasn't dreamed of taking over the world? And who hasn't heard the phrase, "follow your dreams" before? Put those two together, and you're left with the inevitable. Now, you may be thinking I'm crazy to post my secret blueprints and progress updates online, and that may be true. On the other hand, what's an Evil Overlord without her secret, yet oddly accessible, Lair?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Phase One, Day Fourteen: Overlord Down Time

Just a quick one, because it's been a long day and even Overlords get tired. A quick check of my notes tells me that I still owe you a tip towards a great online rag, and a site that shows the kind of project I'd like to do. Online lit mag first:

When it comes to ruling the world, it's key to take some down time. As you know, stress leads straight to insanity, and the crowds with torches and pitchforks aren't far behind. A therapeutic giggle now prevents a drawn-out, maniacal laugh later. And what better place to go for such a fix than McSweeney's? I love the clean, crisp presentation, witty asides (a red dot next to an article denotes new content, which a black one is "newish"content), and of course, the writing. Dry and clever without quite stepping over the ledge of Too Clever For Its Own Good. Here's an example, from the "Open Letters to People or Entities Who are Unlikely to Respond" collection:


Moving on to the next piece: I think I've made it clear what kind of project I really want to do already, but let's scale back and talk about a side project, the kind of thing I could do with a semester or so instead of the rest of my life. Again, I was inspired by my downtime. One of my favorite online comics (or things that are humorous and update regularly) is Surviving the World, by Dante Shepherd. He posts photographs of himself by a blackboard, on which he has written a life lesson that you may not come across in the classroom otherwise. He takes questions from readers, occasionally posts videos, but mostly it's just Dante, the camera, and the chalk. Simple tools, and a great concept that he can keep continuing as long as there is material to teach. Surely, Mr. Shepherd is providing a necessary service.

I'd love to have him on my team. I also wouldn't mind being able to come up with something similarly succinct, catchy, and sequential. I like how much freedom he has within the same basic format.

All right. I promised myself I would be brief, especially since more work and planning awaits.
Dreaming of a new era,

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