About Me

Who hasn't dreamed of taking over the world? And who hasn't heard the phrase, "follow your dreams" before? Put those two together, and you're left with the inevitable. Now, you may be thinking I'm crazy to post my secret blueprints and progress updates online, and that may be true. On the other hand, what's an Evil Overlord without her secret, yet oddly accessible, Lair?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Phase One, Day...46? 48?: Kakapo Days

One of the projects dearest to my heart when I rule the world is saving the kakapo. I first learned about it in Douglas Adams's book, Last Chance to See: basically, it's a large, flightless, probably delicious parrot with a mating call at a frequency that makes it very difficult for lady kakapos to pinpoint where the sexy male bird in question actually is. In times of distress, they forget they cannot fly, and attempt to climb up things and jump off them. It's a bit of a mystery they've made it so far at all.

There are times when I really relate to the kakapo, you know? Moments when I am convinced that I am utterly inept at everything, and that the only reason I am alive at all is because I can be fairly endearing. Like last night, when I'd hyped myself up about my project, and "my project is beautiful and I spent four friggin' hours on my table of contents, and it's creative, and everyone will love it," quickly derailed into, "I couldn't figure out how to make that thing work because we only talked about it for ten minutes at ten o' clock a week ago, and computers scare me, but apparently that is the Most Important Aspect of the project, and I will fail this midterm if I don't figure it out before Wednesday." That was definitely a moment I would have dearly loved to be waddling around a jungle, eating sweet potatoes, instead of wishing I wasn't That Girl who gets upset in class. 

 I am doing better today, fortunately. I conquered some Internet and got compliments on the poster I made for Ishion Hutchinson, both of which I sorely needed. I don't know what it is about Typography that is kicking my butt so hard, whether I'm blocking my inspiration being panicked about messing up, or whether being able to use color with Passager is what is opening my creative mind, but I feel like I am barely scraping along in that class. I am the Typography Kakapo, and I am feeling a renewed sense of empathy with these pointless birds who are trying so hard to make things work out for themselves, even though there are goats and dogs and less and less safe grassy space for nests. Once I am Overlord of the World, and people think I must have been a falcon or something all along, I want to be the one to make space for kakapos.


  1. I was a kakapo in typography, too, but it changed the way I look at the printed word.

  2. You've seen the video where the kakapo is humping the cameraman's head and Stephen Fry is too weak with mirth to do anything about it, right?
